Meet Kelly Goodson

Kelly Goodson MPH, RDN, LDN

My Background

I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist committed to helping people rebuild their relationship with food and body through a compassionate & individualized approach. There is so much misinformation and noise in the nutrition and wellness space. The aim of Kelly Goodson Nutrition is to provide clarity and clear the noise to provide shifts in thoughts and behaviors which will give space to healing your body and relationship with food.

I’ve worked in the outpatient field for 10 years, gaining experience in pediatrics, eating disorders, PCOS, and diabetes.

I’ve always had an interest in nutrition. As a runner in high school, I ran six days a week and I was unintentionally underfueling. I did not recognize the signs till years later when I was in college. I decided to pursue nutrition as a major when I realized the major impact it had on me and on my body. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Nutrition from Florida State University and Master of Public Health from University of West Florida.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children and enjoy being outdoors. I love a good yard sale and love reading thriller mystery & romance books.

My Philosophy

My focus is helping people nourish their body and mind in a sustainable way that allows their physical, emotional and mental well-being to flourish.

By finding flexibility and food freedom, it opens up space for so much more. My eating disorder training includes working with adolescents and their families using a family based treatment (FBT) approach. I utilize the Plate-by-Plate Approach which uses food groups.

I will help guide your journey with curiosity & non-judgement so you start to trust and explore your body and ultimately embrace intuitive eating.